Example using default bayesian method on example file:
results = estimate_genome_size(example_input_file, sep='\t', match_column='TAXID', output_format='input', ci_threshold = 0.3)
# Genome size estimation summary:
# 22.22222 % estimations achieving required precision
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
3007721 5408472 16980834 23969767 41811396 143278734
# Estimation status:
Confidence interval to estimated size ratio > ci_threshold OK
140 40
Plot genome size histogram per sample:

Plot genome size histogram for one sample:

Plot genome size boxplot per sample:

Plot genome size boxplot for one sample:

Plot simplified taxonomic tree with colour-coded estimated genome
## Untarring reference data
## Using reference data in: /tmp/RtmpGgcSxU/refdata
## Untarring taxonomy
## Using taxonomy: /tmp/RtmpGgcSxU/taxdump